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July 20 Keynote - Essence of Tagore
Dr. Partha Sarathi Ghosh
Partha Sarathi Ghosh is a world-renowned thought leader, problem solver, educator, futurist, and inspirer in the field of business, technology, education and civilizational upliftment. He has delivered more than 200 keynote addresses in various Leadership forums on a wide range of subjects – Arts to Science, Philosophy to Philanthropy, Business to Economics, and aptly called “modern day Renaissance man”. Over four decades, as a former Partner at McKinsey & Company and a leader of his own firm he has served heads of multinationals, and governments on significant strategic and organizational issues in more than thirty countries in Asia, Africa, EU, North America, South America. Partha is a true global citizen. Recently to celebrate India’s 75th birthday he has published two books: (1) India at 75: In the Realm of Possibility – Reflections ~ Inspirations! (2). India towards 100: A call for Reset? Need a missionary Zeal!
In 2001, Dr. Ghosh founded The Boston Pledge, https://thebostonpledge.org/, a non-profit 501(C) 3 organization that brings together outstanding professionals committed to public service from various spheres of life and professional disciplines to directly address issues at the base of the pyramid. Tagore Society has partnered with TBP on several of their Initiatives. He has the honor of providing the first keynote speech at the Tagore Society's Leadership Talk series. He is also one of the Elite Donors for Tagore Society's Tagore Memorial initiative.

Keynote Topic: Essence of Tagore - Could his Gestalt Power Us Towards an Enlightened Civilization

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Tagore Society of Houston
13303 Hartford Bay Trl Cypress, TX 77429
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