!!!!! Celebrating 50 years of service to Houstonians !!!!

Your support & donation, helps TSH continue to be a vibrant hub for cultural exchange for generations to come.

New Causes & Initiatives

Tagore Center

Building on the success of the Tagore Memorial Grove, establish a Tagore Center where we will strive to create an inviting, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic space for gatherings, celebrations, and cultural exchange.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Tagore Groves

Duplicate the concept of the Tagore Grove in other parks in Houston or in other cities, to reach a wider audience, and foster a deeper appreciation for Tagore’s legacy and universal message.

Educational Initiatives

Support educational initiatives by introducing language classes and cultural immersion programs and preserve and promote the works and universal visions of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

Cultural Partnerships

Build partnerships with other organizations such as Asia Society, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Rice University, University of Houston, etc. to promote intercultural programs, and greater appreciation of Tagore’s humanistic message.

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With your support, we can continue to ...
  • Bridge cultural divides and create a more inclusive community,

  • Celebrate the rich tapestry of Tagore’s heritage,

  • Inspire future generations to appreciate the beauty and depth of Tagore’s legacy,

  • Ensure that the Tagore Society of Houston continues to be a vibrant hub for cultural exchange for generations to come.